Résidence à Linz, La Chambre à Air devient radioactive !

Voici mon portrait tiré par Zack Prack Productions lors de ma résidence à Linz pour La Chambre à Air.
STWST48x2 – Xavier Faltot from Zack Prack Productions on Vimeo.
La restitution de la performance lors d’Ars Electronica 2016 https://stwst48x2.stwst.at
Xavier Faltot is a 38 years old DIY media mutant based in Paris. Working on the belief “Transgress to Progress”, he is working on video, radio, photo and text. He searches for the meaning, essentially, catharsis. He is a live radio speaker and a radio journalist since 1998 and has been doing live video streaming since 1999. He conducts his radio shows in lively, irreverent, funny and candid manners. His art is based on improvisation, empathy and hyper-fast making.
Kamera, Schnitt, Ton: Zack Prack Productions
© Zack Prack Productions
La Chambre à Air est invitée à Linz pour une résidence artistique… Nous allons équiper la chambre à air, l’ouvrir et y mettre un micro et un diffuseur FM…
Détail de la résidence ici
ELEONORE summer residency 2016
RADIO ACTIVE – SINK and SWIM with Eleonore
August 1 – September 11, 2016
Linz, Austria
In the winter of 2008-2009, the 100 year old Station Messschiff Eleonore was bought, adapted and docked by the Donautic team at the Danube harbor in Linz. Since 2009, Eleonore, once a survey vessel, has been powered by solar energy, equipped with *radio components and modified to host artists in residency. As part of Stadtwerkstatt’s cultural initiatives that focus on free/open culture and information technology, Eleonore declares itself an autonomous art ship gathering local and international residents for meetings, debates, research and lab works.
This summer, “RADIO ACTIVE – SINK and SWIM with Eleonore”, Eleonore’s residency 2016 opens its beds and decks to receive free flowing, temporal residents for special trans/MISSION daze/days in the Danube waterways. We call for transmit-ers, wave-surfers, code-breakers, swimmers, boat people, (un)wired creatures to brave the troubled waters, take on water as medium for transmission and expand on Eleonore’s **radio beacon project that started in 2011.