Transmediaquizz #4: Alex Foti

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What are the limits of market production in our society? I mean, I think actually the people that are most vulnerable to brainwash, it’s mostly, you know, retired people, people that dropped off of the labor force in their middle age, those are the most extent of Fabi can be, you know, reactionary people. And they are the only ones, the last ones, they really watch broadcasting, TV, broadcast, TV, you know, all the other people have a fragmented attention among a variety of nanny of the media from, and I bought the DVD. What now, moral justifications for capitalism now are essential. And so I think progressive and radical radicals for the first time in 20 years, they have a window of opportunity. I mean, there is an irresistible trend by now doors of forms of production in information, cultural knowledge. And that’s the fact, I mean, the battle has been won, but I think now the vital element that we have to do is that we have to do a syndicate of knowledge and service workers in order to press our demands on the knowledge Frank and on the labor front. And if you don’t do that, well, new technologies have a horizontal power. What we don’t really have to achieve progressive polity is effective net or the organization. I mean, I mean, in as much even States now the European union is effective or ineffective as over the last two or three years net or state organization.

The fact is the anti-globalization movement has been great for analysis and criticism, but it has not yet come up with a viable, radical strategy to, you know, spread to the rest of society. What’s in everybody’s minds because before it was like, the network is the message, the activist is the messenger. Now it should be more like, you know, network society is here where he is at net. What democracy, where is the radical democracy that digital media enabled? Okay. So I think, I think it’s a matter of, of social technology and the science of the internet thing, etc. It’s more than service. It’s an architecture among nodes and I am ongoing information flows and stuff in politics. The non as, as really substituted the part before the lending is for, you know what I mean? And that’s my take, you know, have me out in this guys, man, we need to, you know, post 2001 politics as to come into being.

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Xavier Faltot

Xavier Faltot: Media Mutant, brille par ses images expérimentales, mêlant art, technologie, cinéma et poésie. Dès ses débuts avec l’artiste Shu Lea Cheang, il sait capturer et danser avec le réel. Ses œuvres, à la fois provocantes et captivantes, reflètent une compréhension profonde de la globale culture actuelle. Samouraï virtuel multimedia et pionnier français dans l'utilisation des outils offerts par le web, il attend depuis toujours l'arrivée des intelligence artificielles. Aujourd’hui à l’aise avec les machines qui créent en vrai, il joue et fabrique des mondes animés à la carte ou des univers virtuels inconnus. ////// Xavier Faltot: Media Mutant, shines through his experimental images, mixing art, technology, cinema and poetry. From his early work with artist Shu Lea Cheang, he has captured and danced with reality. His works, both provocative and captivating, reflect a deep understanding of today's global culture. A multimedia digital samurai and French pioneer in the use of web tools, he has always awaited the arrival of artificial intelligence. Now at ease with the machines that create the real thing, he plays with and creates bespoke animated worlds or unfamiliar virtual universes.
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