Tirage au sort des dirigeants pour un monde plus juste.

Brett Hennig / Sortition Foundation

Une technique ancienne mais très efficace qui revient en force avec notamment https://www.sortitionfoundation.org/

Ici l’interview de Brett Hennig dans le cadre de la série d’interviews #DRDS commande de Democracy R&D

I think our political system is more or less captured by powerfull western interest, distorted by the media, etc… Changing the system won’t be easy. This is for sure !

Brett Hennig.



diversity, inclusion, participation, delibaration, quality


Le tirage au sort est l’utilisation de la sélection aléatoire pour peupler les assemblées ou pour combler des postes politiques. Une assemblée qui utilise le tirage au sort serait composée de personnes comme vous et moi : il s’agirait d’un échantillon aléatoire représentatif de personnes, prenant des décisions dans un cadre informé, juste et délibératif.

What is Civic Loteries ?

A civic lottery, a popular term for the contemporary use of sortition or allotment, is a lottery-based method for selecting citizens for public service or office. It is based on the premise that citizens in a democracy have both a duty and the desire to serve their society by participating in its governance.

Today, the most common use of the civic lottery process is found in many Anglo-Saxon judicial systems where citizen juries are summoned to hear and render verdicts in court cases. The term for this is popularly known as jury duty.

Civic lotteries are increasingly popular in Canada, where provincial Citizens’ Assemblies on Electoral Reform took place in British Columbia in 2004 and in Ontario in 2006. The membership of each Assembly was determined by a civic lottery which invited citizens to volunteer as candidates. In British Columbia, the government sent 23,034 letters to randomly identified citizens throughout the province. 1,715 replied and volunteered to serve as members of the Assembly. In Ontario, 123,489 citizens were identified during a random electronic draw from the Permanent Register of Electors. Each citizen received a letter inviting him or her to apply and 7,033 volunteered as candidates. Ultimately, during a final selection process 158 names were drawn from among the candidates to participate as members of the BC Assembly. 103 were selected as members in Ontario.

MASS LBP, a Canadian company inspired by the work of the Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform (Ontario) has developed an increasingly sophisticated system for running civic lotteries to randomly select citizens to participate on government advisory panels. The lotteries, which ask citizens to give up several consecutive weekends to participate on a panel, enjoy a strong positive response rate, typically exceeding five percent. This suggests that citizens are more interested public affairs than declining voter-turnout rates indicate.[1][2]

Panel members are randomly selected from among the pool of candidate-respondents to create a panel that roughly matches the demographic profile of the wider population.


Brett Hennig // Democracy R&D // Sortition Foundation // #DRDS #4

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Xavier Faltot

Xavier Faltot: Media Mutant, brille par ses images expérimentales, mêlant art, technologie, cinéma et poésie. Dès ses débuts avec l’artiste Shu Lea Cheang, il sait capturer et danser avec le réel. Ses œuvres, à la fois provocantes et captivantes, reflètent une compréhension profonde de la globale culture actuelle. Samouraï virtuel multimedia et pionnier français dans l'utilisation des outils offerts par le web, il attend depuis toujours l'arrivée des intelligence artificielles. Aujourd’hui à l’aise avec les machines qui créent en vrai, il joue et fabrique des mondes animés à la carte ou des univers virtuels inconnus. ////// Xavier Faltot: Media Mutant, shines through his experimental images, mixing art, technology, cinema and poetry. From his early work with artist Shu Lea Cheang, he has captured and danced with reality. His works, both provocative and captivating, reflect a deep understanding of today's global culture. A multimedia digital samurai and French pioneer in the use of web tools, he has always awaited the arrival of artificial intelligence. Now at ease with the machines that create the real thing, he plays with and creates bespoke animated worlds or unfamiliar virtual universes.
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