#DRDS by Democracy R&D

#DRDS is a series of portraits that shows new forms of democracies that incorporate everyday people in major public decisions which our present structures struggle to address – through processes that are representative, informed, deliberative, free from manipulation, and influential.
Directed by FALTOT augmented by RUSHOPERATOR
Democracy R&D
#DRDS #1 to #34 have been shot in Paris @ La Maison des Métallos

#DRDS #1 // Bjørn Bedsted / Danish Board of Technology Foundation
His tags to define #democracy : #democratic #innovation

The 3 most-used words during the interview (duration: 00:28:31:14)
know : 26 occurences
democracy : 17 occurences
think : 17 occurences
There is a growing realization probably, hopefully,
that democracy is something you have to keep alive every day.
Unless you have to fight for every day.
It cannot be taken for granted.
Bjørn Bedsted // 19/01/2019 // Paris
Bjørn Bedsted
Danish Board of Technology Foundation
Laurie Drake // stand by // #7